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A dedicated voice for House District 47. 

My name is Joe Shelly from Perry, Iowa.  When I was just a kid, I lost my father.  Lost my mother when I was only six years old.  When a child loses his or her family or community structure at such a young age they become vulnerable, impressionable and you do not have the ability to recognize when others are taking advantage of you.  It happened to me and I messed up.

As a child, I started selling drugs to get by and quickly landed in prison.  That’s when I realized I had taken the wrong path and needed to reset to one my parents would have been proud of.  So now that I had some time on my hands, I started going to the prison library.  It’s this time in the library where I learned the basics, like reading and writing.  Studied magazines and books to learn trades so when released could make an honest living.  Learned how to cook, plumb and weld in the prison library, kitchen and shop.  Realized quickly that I could stare at the walls of my cell or at a trade manual.  I wanted to regain my life, clear my debt to society and atone for the mistakes made that also affected others.  After four years I was released for good behavior.

This was my second chance and I was not going to waste it.  My first job was in fast food.  Then landed an apprentice program with Plumbers and Pipefitters #525.  Spent five years as an apprentice and started a family.  My union job moved me from Las Vegas to Michigan to Iowa.  Been in Perry for 15 years with my wife and son having watched him earn two Master's Degrees in Music.
I dedicated my life to my family and to make up for the mistakes made and any hurt I may have caused over 30 years ago.  This is why I am running for Iowa House of Representatives in District #47.  I refuse to allow other vulnerable children go down the wrong path without having done everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Today, I have been elected to the Perry City Council and sit on the Board of Directors for our local hospital.  We must improve the conditions of the lives of all people in our district.  Especially for the children.  When the horrific Perry Public School shooting occurred and then the announcement of the Tyson plant closing, it broke my heart.  This should not be happening.  This also solidified my commitment to our community I love and raised a family in.

I know the importance of getting a quality education and the need for a safe environment for that to happen.  Understanding how the plant closing will affect the families in our community and how quickly things can spiral downward.  I know, because I have lived it and we must help these families, educators and children in their time of need.  We must have stable jobs, businesses and opportunities for families to grow and thrive.  These are also the reasons I am running for Iowa House of Representatives.

Shelly Hard Hat
Joe Shelly


House District 47
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